Senin, 30 Juli 2012




We now discuss about the function of DSLR which is booming in the market and had a special site in many professional photographers’ heart. Therefore in the market there are only two king of DSLR i.e. Canon and Nikon. The main advantage of DLSR is we can change easily its lens according with our necessity. Here I prefer to talk about Canon because I’m one of the canon lovers.


Canon is a camera producer that seriously manage their innovation for photographers in all over the world. Canon always conduct many surveillances about the need of photographer about a good camera especially DSLR. Canon always provide many kinds of camera, lens, camera accessories and lens accessories. From entry level camera i.e. 1000D, 400D, 450D, 500,D, 550D, 600D approximately rate below Rp. 10 million. The semi professional level i.e 60D, 40D, 30D, 20D and 7D rate above Rp. 10 million. The Professional level i.e 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III, ID Mark II, etc always rate in the highest price because it’s only for professional photographers who need a quality in their projects.

Shutter Speed
Shutter speed with aperture and ISO are the most important value in exposure’s rule, therefore they are called as Exposure Triangle. With proper setting of these three values will make proper exposure for the image. Exposure is how much the light counted through the lens and catched by camera censor. Without a capability to count and manage exposure is impossible to produce a good image. So mastering exposure is the most important thing for a photographer. Shutter speed is how fast the shutter will close after we press the shutter button in camera. So in the other word, the longer shutter speed, the more light will camera got. If our camera’s metering show in low exposure so just lowering the shutter speed for making a proper exposure. It’s easy, is’nt ?

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012



I write this articles is only to give my honour to my seniors and all of my mentors in Photography and to help the others to learn photography easier. I write it into English intentionally to make these articles can be read by everyone in all over the world.
Photography is actually an art in painting or creating a 3 dimension object into 2 dimension object with lighting. So lighting is the most important element in photography.
According to Kompas Daily Editor, a senior photographer, Arbain Rambey, in Photography, there are five important elements. Those are  lighting, technique, composition, angle and moment . Meanwhile in Portrait Photography there are just 5 important elements. Those are Expression, Gesture, Lighting, Harmony with background and Technical Quality
Nowadays, Photography turn into many kinds of specialization e.g. aerial photography, beauty photography, glamour photography, landscape photography, architecture photography, human interest photography, fine art photography, still life photography, etc.
I prefer to learn about beauty photography and still life photography because they can make an easier cash flow. But every specialization is actually has special lover and special purpose.

I.  Camera 

In digital world recently, many photographers look like prefer to have their own DSLR. Actually there are pocket, prosumer and DSLR camera in the market now. In the past, a photographers must deal with a complicated negative film camera, but now they’ve already changed their gun. Pocket camera has only flexibility in size and cost but not in image quality production. But many journalists especially in danger areas still bring their pocket camera. Meanwhile prosumer is the middle between DSLR and pocket. Prosumers at a glance has shape similar with DSLR but their lens can’t be changed anyway but they usually can produce a high quality image. DSLR is derived from Digital Single Lens Reflex abbreviation. The producers claim that this kind of camera can give the users a high quality image, but I suppose that image quality is depend on the photographer ability, lens and type of camera. In the past there is camera called SLR, it’s truly different with DSLR which DSLR use digital design and SLR use manual design. Can we imagine use that kind of camera ? Must be hard to be learned.

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Be Aware of Headache !!

                           Be Aware of Headache

Headache is among the most common reasons that patient seek medical help. Headache can be either primary or secondary. Here we have to distinguish serious from benign etiologies. Most patient who present to emergency ward with worst headache of their lives have migraine. Beside that, headache location can suggest involvement of local structures e.g. temporal pain in giant cell arteritis, facial pain in sinusitis. Time peak intensity can differ cluster headache from migraine. If the headache appears with provocation by environmental factors, it may suggests a benign cause.
Complete neurologic exam is important in evaluation of headache. If exam is abnormal or if serious underlying cause is suspected, an imaging study ( CT or MRI ) is indicated as a first step. Lumbar puncture is required when stiff neck and fever is a possibility. The psychological state of the patient should also be evaluated since a relationship exists between pain and depression.
Following are the most common  type of headache :
            Migraine is a benign and recurring syndrome of headache associated with other symptoms of neurologic dysfunction. It usually afflicts 15 % women and 6 % of men. Onset usually in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood; however initial attack may occur at any age. Women may have increased sensitivity to attacks during menstruation. The common symptoms are premonitory visual sensory, one-side throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting, photo and phonophobia. An Attack lasting 4-72 hours is typical, as is relief after sleep. Attacks may be triggered by wine, cheese, chocolate, contraceptives, stress, exercise or travel. Mild to moderate acute migraine attacks often respond to over the counter analgesics when taken early in the attack.
            Tension headache is a whole-side headache, described as two-side pressure or a tight band. May persist for hours or days; usually builds slowly. Pain can be managed generally with simple analgesics such as acetaminophen or aspirin. Tension headache is often related to stress.
            Cluster headache is a rare form of primary headache characterized by episodes of recurrent, deep, nocturnal, one-side, back-eyes searing pain. Typically the patient awakens 2-4 hour after sleep onset with severe pain, one-side lacrimation, nasal and conjunctival blockade. Unlike migraine, patients with cluster tend to move about during attacks. The pain lasts 30-120 minutes but tends to recur at the same time of night or several times each 24 hour over 4-8 weeks.
            Post Concussion headache is common following motor vehicle collisions or other head trauma. Symptoms of headache, dizziness, vertigo, impaired memory, poor concentration, irritability are typically remits after several weeks to months. 
            Beside the three common type of headache above, We also must aware to some type of headache symptoms that suggest a serious underlying disorder. The symptoms include worst headache ever, first severe headache, subacute worsening over days or weeks, abnormal neurologic examination, fever or unexplained systemic signs, vomiting that precedes headache, pain induced by cough, pain that disturbs sleep or presents immediately upon awakening, known systemic illness and headache onset after age 55.
          So what we can do if the symptoms above are appear. If we want to alleviate the symptoms of migraine, just stay away from the trigger that I’ve noted above. If migraine cannot be alleviated by the OTC analgesics drug, so just seek medical help. For tension headache, pain can be managed generally with simple analgesics such as acetaminophen or aspirin. Because Tension headache is often related to stress, so the patient must learn to control stress. For cluster headache, it’s better to find a physician, do not drink alcohol because cluster headache usually can be triggered by alcohol. For post-concussion headache, it’s better to find a physician for further examination. For headache symptoms that suggest a serious underlying disorder, an imaging study ( CT and MRI ) is indicated as a first step. 

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Know More about Causes of Cough

Know More about Causes of Cough

            Cough is produced by inflammatory, mechanical, chemical and thermal stimulation of cough receptors. Following are the causes of cough :
1.      Inflamatory process in trachea, laryng, bronchi, bronchioli and tissue of the lung
2.      Mechanical process --- inhalation of particulates such as dust, foreign bodies or compression of airways ( malignancy process).
3.      Chemical ---inhalation of irritant fumes including cigarette smoke
4.      Thermal, inhalation of cold or very hot air.
Diagnosis the causes of cough may be associated with the illness history of  the patient. An approach seems to be an important way to get that. A good physician may concern about duration of cough, presence of fever or wheezing, sputum quantity and character, seasonal or temporal pattern, risk factors for underlying disease such as environmental exposure that suggest occupational asthma, past medical history, drugs such as ACE Inhibitor drug group for hypertension therapy that will causes chronic cough in 5-20 % patient.
Short duration with associated fever suggests acute viral or bacterial infection. Persistent cough after viral illness suggests postinflamatory cough and postnasal drip is common cause of chronic cough. The nocturnal cough may indicate chronic sinus drainage or esophageal reflux.
A good physical examination should assess upper and lower airways and lung parenchyma. A stridor sound of the lung suggests upper airway obstruction, wheezing suggests bronchospasm, midinspiratory crackles indicate airways disease e.g. chronic bronchitis and fine end inspiratory crackles occur in interstitial fibrosis and heart failure.
A Chest X-ray may show us a possibility of lung cancer, infection and interstitial disease. A High resolution Computed Tomography helpful in unexplained chronic cough. A Sputum examination can indicate a malignancy process or infection like tuberculosis.
Therapy of cough is that of underlying disease, eliminate ACE inhibitor and smoking cessation. If no cause can be found, a trial of an inhaled anticholinergic agent e.g ipratropium, an inhaled steroid, an inhaled albuterol can be attempted. Inhaled steroid may take 7-10 days to be effective when used for an irritative cough. Cough productive of significant volumes of sputum should generally not be suppressed. Sputum clearance can be facilitated with adequate hydration, expectorants and mechanical devices. Iodinated glycerol may be useful in asthma or chronic bronchitis.
When symptoms from an irritative cough are severe, the cough may be suppressed with a narcotic antitussive agent such as codeine or a nonnarcotic such as dextromethorphan.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Mengapa Menjadi Dermawan itu Sungguh Sangat Mulia ?

Mengapa  Menjadi Filantropis atau Dermawan itu Sangat Mulia (Bagian 1) ?

Kita harus menyadari bahwa hidup kita ini sangat singkat, 50 tahun atau 100 tahun pun itu sungguh sangat singkat. Coba kita bertanya kepada orang-orang tua yang sudah mencapai 70 tahun, apakah hidup mereka panjang ? Sebagian besar jawaban mereka pasti “ hidup ini sungguh singkat “, dalam sekejab mata tidak terasa baru saja mereka menikah dan tau-tau sekarang sudah punya cicit. Jadi tak ada waktu dan alasan bagi kita untuk berbuat atau melakukan hal-hal yang tidak berguna apalagi merugikan orang lain.
Filantropis itu apa sih sebenarnya ? filantropis itu ternyata adalah orang atau manusia yang lebih mengedepankan membantu orang-orang yang benar-benar membutuhkan bantuan daripada berbuat hal-hal yang tidak berguna atau membuang-buang waktu.
Bukan berarti seorang filantropis membenci hal-hal yang membuang-buang waktu seperti jalan-jalan, bertamasya, bermain game, tidur berlebihan atau bermalas-malas di kamar sambil bersosial media. Tetapi kaum filantropis telah menyadari bahwa hidup dia terlalu singkat untuk tidak berbuat sesuatu yang berguna bagi kemanusiaan. Bagi kaum filantropis mereka akan bersantai ria jika tugas dan kewajiban nurani mereka sudah mereka tunaikan hari ini.
Banyak teman-teman saya yang sungguh menyukai bergaya hidup mewah dan selalu melihat ke atas alias membandingkan kemewahan teman-teman yang lain dengan apa yang dipunyai dirinya sendiri. Prinsip mereka, mereka harus hidup seenak mungkin dan kalau bisa menyamai keenakan dan kemewahan hidup teman-teman di sekitarnya. Hal ini tidak bisa kita pungkiri seringkali terjadi pada anak-anak muda di kota besar.  Sungguh sangat jarang saya melihat mereka peduli dan menelaah nasib dan kehidupan orang-orang yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Lebih ironi lagi, ternyata di Indonesia, orang yang miskin jauh lebih banyak bila dibandingkan dengan orang yang mampu apalagi orang kaya.
Berbicara orang yang tidak mampu atau miskin. Suatu saat, saya sempat memotret kehidupan mereka dengan kamera saya, ternyata hidup mereka tidak lebih sengsara dari orang-orang kaya di luar sana. Mereka tampak tertawa ceria, menikmati santap pagi dan malam walaupun hanya beralaskan Koran dan berlaukan kerupuk. Ternyata bagi mereka bahagia itu tidak bisa diukur dari berapa harta, kedudukan atau jabatan yang kita punya.
Kadang-kadang kita sungguh sangat terlena dengan kehidupan kita sehingga menyia-yiakan waktu kita hanya untuk mengurusi masalah pribadi yang tak akan kunjung selesai karena masalah dan urusan pribadi akan terus ada selama kita masih hidup. Banyak teman dan kenalan saya yang seumur hidup hanya sibuk mengurusi bisnisnya sampai dia jatuh sakit dan akhirnya meninggal dunia karena capek dan stress akibat persaingan usaha. Ada juga orang yang hidupnya dihabiskan dengan mengurusi pertengkaran keluarga baik dengan istri, mertua atau keluarga besar sendiri. Apa itu esensi hidup kita yang sebenarnya ? Lahir, sekolah, remaja, pacaran, menikah, punya anak, punya karir bagus, kaya, sakit dan meninggal dunia ? Rentetan hal begitu sudah manusia alami beratus ribu kali siklus di dunia ini dan itu terus dan terus kita ulangi sampai sekarang. Bukannya kita tidak boleh berlaku hidup normal seperti itu. Tapi apakah itu dinamakan hidup normal ? Ternyata menurut penelitian itu bukan hidup yang normal. Menurut Bunda Theresa yang seumur hidupnya diabdikan kepada orang-orang miskin dan penyakitan di India, “ kita memang tidak selalu bisa melakukan hal-hal besar dalam hidup, tetapi kita harus bisa melakukan hal-hal kecil dengan kasih yang besar “. Kata-kata ini sungguh membuat saya terharu.
Ingatlah masih banyak orang yang jauh lebih menderita dari hidup kita sekarang dan benar-benar sangat membutuhkan bantuan kita. Prinsipnya, kita boleh menjadi filantropis asalkan kita sudah menyadari esensi makna dari kata filantropi dan kita harus mampu mengelola kehidupan pribadi kita sendiri dulu, dengan kata lain kita tidak boleh menelantarkan kehidupan pribadi yang menjadi kewajiban. Setelah kita bisa mengatur kehidupan pribadi kita sendiri seperti mengurusi keluarga, usaha, sekolah dan berbagai macam hal, maka kita baru boleh menjadi filantropis. Karena semua kaum filantropis adalah orang yang sukses mengurusi atau mengelola kehidupan pribadinya dengan sempurna.