Kamis, 16 Mei 2019

How to lose weight properly ?

There is no way, we can lose weight if there is no effort we make in daily life. Losing weight means for sure we had wrong life habits especially how much we eat, how many times we eat, what we are doing after mealtime, how much exercise have been done. All factors above are of paramount importance if we are eager to lose weight. There is no other healthier way to do it. 

What if we use medicine to suppress appetite ? Many experts claim that there is no single drugs can claims safe to reduce weight. There are surely many side effects following use of such drugs. So changing our bad habits is the only healthy way to achieve it. 

Two ways that have been suggested by experts are diet and exercise. These two works together, that means if we only commit to diet only, the results will not be satisfying vice versa. 

Suggestion is we may only reduce calorie intake not more than 500 calorie daily to gain 500 gram weight reduction in a week. We may do it by reducing what we eat 250 calorie combined with burning calorie 250 a day. What if we like to do more ? Experts say there is no benefit doing such things. 

The most difficult thing in losing weight is not losing but maintaining. First step is merely to know what are bad habits we have then change it with help from a certified weight lose consultant. Second step is make sure that changes become our new habits and get used to them.