Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

I dreamed my best leader

He was a soldier, who became a useless person. He sat in front of the balcony and said " I am what i am, i will be what i will be ". Those words are said, when he was in a war. He losed his feet, his mind and his both hands, the family has gone. Also he lives alone with his lovely dog, Sagy. Sagy always knows, what he likes the most.

He dreamed a leader in Indonesia. He becomes a greatest leader in the world. There is nothing can defeat the power of him. He named him as a Gagy, because the similarity between his dog's name. Gagy has become his dream since he was young. How good that Gagy is ? How powerful this Gagy is ?

What is a leader ? Who is the real leader ? In my opinion, a leader is a man that has been delegated by God to serve his nation and the people. Thus, he is not also himself but the property of people. His words can change people's mind, can change people's power. What he will do is exactly what the people want. Such leader can not be denied by people. His present make everything and everybody in his around greater and more beautiful. People always believe what all he says. Why he has such a great power ? From where that power comes from ? The answer is heart. He always said what he believes in. He's never been thinking about himself anymore. His life is for himself already over. His breath and his mind are dedicated only for what he loves, that is the people.

I will dream the leader like that. He is what i want to be.

Yours truly,

Fendie Syailawan

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